We’ll All Be Reading Michelle Malkin in Three Years

Poking around on Blogads, I saw something that didn’t quite click with me, mathematically. On the part of the site where you can select ad venues, the MichelleMalkin.com site’s description (not gonna link) mentions that its traffic (listed as more than 50,000 visits a day) “is growing ~30% per month.”

Blogads screen shot

Think about that for a second. Thirty percent growth per month. At that rate, 50,000 visits compounds to 375,000,000 (roughly the population of the US) in only 34 months. Everyone in the US is going to be reading Malkin by the next election.

That is, they would be if the claim were true. Of couse, there’s no possible way Malkin’s site could have a sustained rate of 30% growth per month. If you take it the other direction, numbers start dropping off pretty quickly. One month before it hit 50,000, the number would have been about 38,500; then 28,600; 22,750, etc. Two years ago, 100 readers.

If you’re going to fudge the truth to anybody, you might as well do it to people willing to advertise on MichelleMalkin.com.