International Herald Tribune
In Kabul, Obama calls Afghan front ‘central’ to war on terror
KABUL: Afghanistan must become “the central front” in the war on terror, Barack Obama said Sunday in the Afghan capital, sharpening his policy clash with John McCain over whether the war in Iraq has been a distraction from that effort.
No doubt the Afghans will be enormously pleased, since as long as it’s been a non-“central” front we’ve been enormously capable of interdicting wedding celebrations.
Obama on Don Rumsfeld and the “Far Left”
Discussing his opposition to Attorney General nominee John Ashcroft, Obama praised newly-elected President Bush’s new nominee for Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld.
“The proof in the pudding is looking at the treatment of the other Bush nominees,” Obama said. “I mean for the most part, I for example do not agree with a missile defense system, but I dont think that soon-to-be-Secretary Rumsfeld is in any way out of the mainstream of American political life. And I would argue that the same would be true for the vast majority of the Bush nominees, and I give him credit for that.
“So I don’t want to be pegged as being far left simply because I find certain aspects in John Ashcroft’s record to be divisive or offensive,” Obama continued.
Because, of course, you know that being “pegged as far left” is a lot worse than anything that Don Rumsfeld could be accused of.
That Bigger Military Ain’t Just Going to Sit Around Doing Nothing
Expand to Meet Military Needs on the Ground: A major stress on our troops comes from insufficient ground forces. Barack Obama supports plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 troops and the Marines by 27,000 troops. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families.
So Long As The New Yorker‘s Doing It