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With all of the hullabaloo about Barack Obama and his opinions on flag lapel pins a couple of weeks back (really, shouldn’t running for president be enough to indicate that you might be patriotic?) I realized that I don’t have a flag pin per se, apart from the “Friendship Pin” I’ve had for 20 years or so. Out of date, I know. Still, I wear it fairly regularly, if you count the number of times I weat a tie as “regularly”, because it’s my usual tie pin.
That’s more than I can say for the watch (the gunmetal grey version on the right) it came with, which Barbara bought for me at a time when the price was actually rather significant for our budget. For various reasons, I stopped wearing it (and its replacements when the original’s case had sort of deteriorated) a number of years back and just never got back into the habit of putting it back on.
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