The last time I saw Stan Ridgway was during his “Mosquitos” tour 15 years ago. That show was in the same decade as his peak of popularity with Wall of Voodoo, “Mexican Radio,” and videos on MTV, and it was at the old Starry Night (now Roseland) venue.
I don’t remember how big the crowd was, but I’m pretty sure it was bigger than the 80 or so folks who turned up at Dante’s on 3rd & Burnside last night, or the 30 who saw him at the WOW Hall in Eugene the night before. What’s wrong with people??!!
Ridgway came out on stage alone for the first several songs. He was joined later by his wife Pietra on keyboards and Rick King on guitar. The set consisted mostly of old favorites: “Salesman,” “Factory,” “Call of the West,” etc., with a few deviations from the Stan-dards: “Go Ask Alice,” “Down in the Boondocks,” and a fantastic turn on Mose Allison’s “Monsters of the Id” (which is on Stan’s new “Snakebite” album).
And after the show? You get to meet Stan.